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Start cleaning, sanitizing, deodorizing using tap water in a spraybottle

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Nature Has Answers
To Our Challenges

Everyone would agree to say that we owe our planet sustainable answers to some of today's challenges. But Yet in the whirlwind of thinking, we've gotten so caught up in writing plans to be sustainable and save costs, that we forgott that nature has always had answers to most of our challenges. At Consensus Group we aim to educate users about effective and green possibilities that will improve our ways of life, and leave a positive impact on people and the planet we call our home.

Stop thinking for nature. Start collaborating with nature.

Embracing nature is not a new concept. Some of the most advanced inventions were modeled after nature’s design. Solar panels, wetsuits, airplanes, bullet trains, needles etc. These inventions are all used to benefit our ways of living. We know that lightning storms have an essential function to clean the air. Now what if we could immitate this nature's design to create a natural all purpose cleaner that allows you to clean effectively and ditch chemicals?

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Does cleaning with just tapwater sound too good to be true?

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How the Sustainable Spray Bottle Works

How does it work?

You can start cleaning, deodorizing and sanitizing, using just tapwater

Did you know that nature has answers to your everyday cleaning challenges? Whether you want to clean more sustainable, ditch daily chemicals to operate greener or lower your cleaning costs, water-consumption, logistics and plastic waste. You can increase your benefits by cleaning, deodorizing and sanitizing using just tap water and award winning technology in a bottle.

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It's as simple as
Fill, Spray & Wipe

Just three steps to sanitize any surface. Because of the easy and swift movement and water base, Consensus Sustainable Cleaning Concept can be used everywhere, by anyone.

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Your instant benefits

Angelika Zupanc | Radisson Blu

"Sustainability is one of our key priorities and with this spray bottle we are able to reduce chemicals significantly. At the same time it is easy to use and more healthy for our team members."

Richard Lee | Hilton Hotel

We did a trial with the spray bottle and the feedback from our team was excellent. The cleaning results were as good or better than what we used to achieve using various chemicals.

Corinne Hofland | VinVin Wines

“In gastronomy, hygiene is a top priority. Because of the simple action and guaranteed results  ozone brings, we're able to keep work environment hygienic according to standards. This guarantees an extra experience for our customers.”

Here's what users are saying


Available Now: The Aqueous Ozone Pro Spray Bottle

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